The ensemble’s main goal is professional and historically accurate music performance. Musicians use faithful copies of medieval musical instruments such as tenor and alto vielles, gittern, frame drum, hurdy-gurdy and medieval recorder and perform in outfits based on the ones depicted in Medieval iconography. Apart from early music performance, members of the ensemble are passionate Medieval reenactors.
The ensemble’s repertoire amounts to over a dozen folk and religious European historical compositions (vocal – instrumental pieces – always sung in their respective original languages, instrumental pieces and dances)
Their performances are often coupled with professional Medieval dance courses for the audience.
vielle tenorowa, śpiewtenor vielle, vocal
lead vocal, alto vielle
flute, b.vocal
Hurdy gurdy, b. vocal
frame drumm
Gitterne, b.vocal
Live Medieval music performance with instruments’ presentation and a lecture about their history, origin and the contents of performed compositions.
Piotr Kasiłowski – arrangement
Paulina Andrzejak – frame drum
Adrianna Ciemińska – vielle
Karina Raźnikiewicz – voice
Liubou Tsudzila – medieval recorder
Rafał Klej – gittern
Paweł Tomaszewski – hurdy-gurdy
guest cast – Sebastian Sierka, Karol Matusiak, Kacper Karabin
produced by – CINEMAGIC
recordings, mix & mastering – Oskar Tracz